Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pre-processor directives in RTL. A Good Thing?

This post is specific to Verilog - I am certain everybody has seen something like the following code snippet:

`define DATA_WIDTH 16

module foobar (data);
  input [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data;


The question that will be explored in this missive is whether or not this coding style is a Good Thing.

At the outset, allow me to tell you my position on the matter - in my opinion, using pre-processor directives (`define) for signal widths is an extremely bad idea and should never be done, with no exceptions.  

I am certain this will appear counter-intuitive to pretty much everybody who writes modules in Verilog. In fact, I get plenty of rather angry reactions when I put forward this view. So let's explore the reasons why this coding style is a Bad Thing, shall we?

Reason 1: Code readability suffers. Usually people put all the `defines in one file, which is then `included in other RTL files. When you do a code review, unless you want to switch back and forth between the module file and the included file or you have exemplary memory, you'll find it annoying to read code snippets that assign some slice to some other slice such as:

  fooreg[`FOO:`BAR] <= barreg[`XYZ:`PQR];

What could have been as simple as

  fooreg[7:0] <= barreg[15:8];

is now something that requires quite some back-and-forth to review. You, the designer, may have no problem, but the reviewer definitely will. Imagine trying to review thousands of such lines - the fatigue alone could cause errors to slip through.

Reason 2: The wrong directive is used when multiple directives have the same value. If used incorrectly, inadvertent mistakes will arise when one directive is given a new value but the other isn't.

  `define ADATA_WIDTH 16
  `define BDATA_WIDTH 16

  input [`BDATA_WIDTH-1:0] adata; // `ADATA_WIDTH should have been
                                     used instead

will work fine until BDATA_WIDTH is re-defined for a new version of the chip, but ADATA_WIDTH stays the same. This is when things will fail subtly in simulations, and it will be monstrously hard to track down the error to an incorrectly used directive. This is simply because `define is a pre-processor directive - which means the simulator doesn't know anything about it - the Verilog pre-processor has already performed a string replacement.

Reason 3: The directive is defined but not used everywhere. Suppose DATA_WIDTH is defined and does exist, but somehow someone missed using it:

  `define DATA_WIDTH 16

  data[15:0] <= some_value[31:16];

Should DATA_WIDTH be redefined in the future, it will have absolutely no effect on the code - but everyone will expect it to. This will lead to subtle, difficult to track down bugs.

Reason 4: IP integration may have issues with multiply defined names. If you are integrating a third party IP block into your ASIC, you may well find that some directive in the IP conflicts with yours. Sadly, everybody likes using names like "DATA_WIDTH".

The nature of Verilog pre-processor directives is that the last defined value is what is held. Thus if you had:

  `define DATA_WIDTH 16
  `define DATA_WIDTH 32

the final value of DATA_WIDTH is going to be 32.

Suppose you had the first directive in a file called "a.v" and the second in "b.v"; then the file reading order will determine what the value of DATA_WIDTH is for that simulation run.

Thus, "verilog a.v b.v" will give different results from "verilog b.v a.v". Naturally, this situation is only compounded when an ASIC integrates multiple IPs from multiple vendors with multiple files containing directives.

You may argue that names could always be made distinct; but if you are integrating code from independent IP vendors this is not always going to be possible a priori. Thus you will have an additional time consuming step in your process, without which there is the possibility of chaos.

Further, making names unique will require you to add prefixes that identify which IP or module the name came from, making names even longer and less readable - such as `FOOCHIP_XIP_PCIE_WR_DATA_WIDTH. See Reason 1 - either the names are short but cryptic, or descriptive but long. Either way, code readability will suffer.

Reason 5: Multi-chip simulations may have issues with multiply defined names. I know, people always tell me - how often does this situation happen? I say you should be doing multi-chip sims as often as possible.

I can't recall how many times I've been told in the lab: "But this problem wasn't there in the previous version of the chip!" and I've setup a multi-chip sim with the old and the new versions of the chip and figured out the issue.

You can see how hard it would have been to do this if I had to worry about unique `defines - it would have slowed me down tremendously, either causing a schedule slip or untold stress, but most likely both.

Reason 6: `include file path portability suffers. Usually all `defines are collected together in a file which is then `included in other files.

This causes portability issues with the RTL database: you'd have to create locally modified copies of the RTL if you wanted to change the paths which goes against the grain of proper revision control.

To explain: if you have

  `include "/fsname/topdirname/chipname/somedir/foo.vh"

and you wanted to move over the design to a different filesystem, this path might not be valid. If you edited your local RTL to point to the correct directory, then it differs from what's in the revision control system - meaning it is an uncontrolled copy and might not represent the actual silicon.

Alternately, if you did:

  `include "../../somedir/foo.vh"

then you must implicitly assume that the directory where you run tests has a fixed and unchanging relationship with the directory in which the `included file resides. This may not always be true.

Once again, if you wanted to port your RTL to a different system where the directory structure is different, you'd have to modify RTL files, creating local file copies distinct from the revision control repository files.

Besides these reasons, there are other minor annoyances - such as when you have missing `defines, or when new `defines are created as expressions of other `defines, making it difficult to spot errors.

My take on this is that it is better to not use `defines in RTL, period; because they create more problems than they solve - and they create the worst type of problems - the ones that cause loss of productivity and momentum.

I do know that it will make RTL designers very uncomfortable to not use constant expressions and use hard coded numbers instead. There is always some loss of flexibility this way.

Far be it from me to take that flexibility away, however. What I mean to say is, there is a better way of doing things - (no, not parameters, which are definitely better) - but as usual, I'll leave it for a future missive.

Also, there is a real use for `defines - something that actually will enhance the design process and productivity, and we'll tackle that in a future post as well.

The point of this post is far too important to clutter up with other things - Don't use `defines or `includes in your RTL.

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